Set up by farmers for farmers, the Moredun Foundation is one of the largest livestock charities in the UK and governs the work of the world renowned Moredun Research Institute. The mission of the organisation is to improve the health and welfare of livestock through research and education.

On Friday 4th November 2022, the Moreun Foundation invited Selina, co-owner and Creative Director of Ping Creates, to attend a special event in the presence of HRH the Princess Royal. This is an event that happens every year (with a short hiatus due to Covid19) and a chance to celebrate and showcase the ongoing work that the Moredun Foundation does.

This year, as part of Scotland’s Year of Stories, the focus was on how storytelling techniques can be used to communicate science more effectively to inspire change and the uptake of new technologies. One of the speakers was Stewart Burgess who described the UK wide projects Moredun was leading on the control of Sheep Scab. Lee Innes then talked about their collaboration with photographer, Kevin McCollum, to create a book telling the stories of livestock keepers in remote parts of Scotland.

Our work with the Moredun Foundation

We have been working with the Moredun Foundation for over 6 years now, helping them to communicate their findings and research to the wider community of farmers, vets, farming organisations and the general public.

We were delighted to see our animations and illustrations feature heavily throughout the event. With bold colours and a recognisable style, they have become a large part of the Moredun brand.

The Moredun Foundation are always keen to explore new and creative ways to communicate important learnings, methods and farming strategies. Working closely with the Moredun team, we have created a library of animations each covering different topics around livestock health. We have made a film about the War against intestinal worms, why farmers should always ‘Test and not guess’ and the ways we can tackle the spread of Toxoplasmosis.

The Moredun mobile lab (or the ‘bus’ as it’s affectionately called) is another fantastic example of the ways in which the foundation communicate with rural communities – a fit-for-purpose vehicle that roves the country and delivers information on the doorstep. We created all the designs for the outside of the vehicle making it eye-catching and and a real talking point!

What’s next?

We love working with the team at Moredun. We hope to continue making more animations for them, focusing on other diseases and control. We will also be looking into other ways of engaging with their audiences and new ways of delivering using technology. We are looking forward to seeing what the next 6 years of collaboration brings!

If you want to find out more about using animation, illustration and technology to reach a larger audience and convey important or complex information, please get in touch.